Wakayama Arida Mikan (Blackbox)

Wakayama Arida Mikan (Blackbox)


 Arida mikan are a type of satsuma or mandarin orange. Small, easy to peel and full of vitamins, they are a popular snack in Japanese households. Mikan are usually eaten in winter in Japan, and when the season rolls round, supermarkets stock a variety of them. Arida Mikan produced in Wakayama are one of the sweetest and most popular of them all.

Japanese mikan are harvested from September to January, meaning they can be enjoyed for a longer period. They are divided into types, depending on when they are harvested. The most common, wase mikan, are harvested from October to December. They have a soft, orange color peel, plump juicy flesh, and the ideal balance between sweet and sour. 

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