Fukuoka Grape Kyoho Giftbox

Fukuoka Grape Kyoho Giftbox


Kyoho Grapes are a unque slip-skin variety grown in Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures in Japan. The name "Kyoho" is derived from the japanese words for "giant" and "peak", as well as "the gift of sun". These grapes are highly prized for their sweet taste, with a high sugar content and mild acidity. The flesh is known for its smooth, silky, and delicate texture, with a clear green colour that resembles a fine wine.

Kyoho Grapes have a slip-skin that allows the skin to be easily separated from the fruit without damaging with the juicy flesh. The skin is thick and taut, but it has a natural bloom that protects the grapes from fermenting and moisture loss. Some people prefer to remove the skins before eating, as they have a slighty bitter flavour due to their tannic content. Despite this, Kyoho grapes remain one of the most popular grape varieties due to their unique combination of juicy flesh sweetness and texture.

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